Starting now until May 30, we will be collecting your old and/or unneeded household items which you can bring to the Church School building.
SAVERS only pays for soft items and pays based on weight. The money earned will be deposited into the Church fund.
Acceptable "soft" items are fabric base items such as clothes, bed-linens, towels, drapery, shoes, handbags, stuffed animals, etc., both gently used as well as old, torn, and worn out, BUT CLEAN.
A REQUEST: It's very important that you do not leave anything in church nor near it outside! Please leave donations in the church house or near it, on the porches, clearly labeled "for SAVERS".
Between May 24 & 31, you can bring your donations directly to SAVERS at 1230 VFW Parkway, W. Roxbury. Go to the green door on left side of store, ring the bell, and tell the employees that you are dropping off donations for Holy Epiphany Church.
Any questions can be addressed to Matushka Svetlana or Natalia Tereschenko